Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Furry Butts!

Alas, the world lost a very happy little bun soul when Hans hopped off to the rainbow bridge, leaving a big hole in his Mommy's heart. While there is no way to fill the hole, maybe we can bring a smile to his Mommy's face with .. BUNNY BUTTS!

Meeting Hans at the bridge to show him the bacon tree (not that any other bun would possibly want it!) is Scout and her fuzzy tail!

Representing the Canadian Dutch Mafia is Sage and her fuzzy tail. Here she's running away from the paparazzi and yelling "You'll never get me, copper!"

Judith's Mr B, the beloved (and spoiled) Mr Beezer, the Beezenator demonstrates if a bunny's head can fit, so will his tail.. after the rest of his body.

Sundae's lounging at Judith's and trying to keep Beezer out of trouble - a full time job for a cute little fuzzy tailed bunny. No wonder she's flomped out! Her first Mommy Suzanne is, I'm sure, giving Hans snuggles (or not) as the bunny demands until his Mommy is ready to join him.

Laura's angel bun Ashy, pilot, vampire hunter, and dandelion prescriber, also shows off the power of the small bun and cuteness of tail! The bun with his own herb garden, chorus of birds, and fields of dandelions is guaranteed to be sharing his pixie dust with Hans!

Laura's angel bun Eli also shows off his tail to try and bring a smile to Hans' Mommy's face!

Michelle's beautiful Belle shows off her big and beautiful fuzzy butt while Chomper pretends indifference. He's actually secretly jealous.

Michelle's Angel Hazel, who refuses to admit her butt is anything like Belle's also does her best to welcome Hans and bring smiles to his mommy's face with those fuzzy 'tocks!

Michelle calls her 'Tinker the stinker!' but those of us who like to have a future call her 'Her Royal highness Tinkerbelle'. Here we see that she's lounging in her royal castle while Chomper tries to get forgiveness for breathing the same air as her.

Darin's Vinnie is the star of his very own novella! He's a very famous (in the writer's mind) bunny rabbit who is doing his tribble impression here. Or perhaps it's a Cousin It impression. Either way, he's a talented bun. Meep.


  1. OOps see post below! and three cheers for all the Furry Butts!

  2. Wow, that's a lotta furrybutts! Thanks!! We love all the photos and you have us grinning from ear to ear now.. and Hans must be having great adventures with his new found friends, some of which are featured here :)
